David de TecnoSoluciones: The Most Interesting Man in the World

Dos Equis has a popular ad campaign in the US that revolves around “The Most Interesting Man in the World,” a man who not only is multitalented, but regularly finds himself in situations that others would consider bizarre. Meet Costa Rica’s version: David. You can tell from the photos that provide a snapshot of his daily routine, that gathering pineapples among other fruit straight from their growing fields is far from boring. David has learned to deal with all sorts of challenging situations depending on the season and the fruit. Navigating to remote sampling locations, feeding the coati that know when to gather for a free treat, and dodging the boa constrictors while not dropping whatever electronic project datalogging device he happens to have on him in the muck he is standing in, are just a few of his routine tasks!

David works for TecnoSoluciones Integrales (TSI), one of KV’s strategic alliance companies located in Costa Rica. TSI provides consulting and sampling services throughout Central America and also has offices in Colombia and Peru. They have deep roots in the organic food sector. TSI not only offers full sampling services for the foods grown in Costa Rica for export and the water used to wash the fruit, but they also manage analytical testing services to ensure that food for export meets the criteria for import into the US and EU. As their business has grown, TSI has expanded their services into other areas, including helping local industries solve manufacturing problems, testing the authenticity of herbicides and pesticides used in the fields, and assisting their clients in any number of research and development opportunities.

Keika Ventures (KV) has leveraged its relationships with larger lab networks to support TSI’s routine and on-going projects, providing competitive and volume pricing for set analytical packages. KV has also been able to tap into its extensive network of smaller, more specialized labs to assist TSI’s clients with even the most unusual analytical challenges. Decades of laboratory experience and a broad understanding of laboratory techniques make KV the ideal partner in any analytical scavenger hunt. If there’s a lab in the US or Canada that performs a particular analysis, KV will find it! Once a lab has been identified and samples have been collected and shipped, KV communicates directly with the lab concerning schedule, details of analysis, and data quality. When results are finalized, KV reviews the report for correctness and to ensure that the finished product, sent to TSI and ultimately transmitted to their client, is complete, correct, and of the highest quality.

Together Keika Ventures and TecnoSoluciones Integrales make an unstoppable team, providing clients with the solutions they need!

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