EPA SW-846 Test Method 0010: Modified Method 5 Sampling Train for the Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds

This is a modified method to allow for simultaneous sampling and analysis for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) from stationary sources.  This is often commonly referred to in the industry as a joint train because two sampling methods are combined in order to save costs when sampling from the same source at the same conditions.

The 0010 Sampling Train uses a Modified Method 5 system with the addition of a riserless Method 23 extension glassware. This extra glassware consists of the "S" connector from the filter, horizontal Pyrex coil condenser, XAD sorbent trap and moisture knockout impinger. We also carry the vertical Pyrex coil condenser for use with a riser box that will accommodate the extra height required by the condenser and XAD trap mounted on top of the first impinger. An 8-impinger coldbox is recommended to accommodate the required M23-RC coolant recirculating pump, the standard Method 5 impinger set and the Method 23 extension glassware. This 0010 Sampling System can also be used for Method 23 Dioxins.

Method 23 Extension Glassware (in addition to Standard Method 5 Glassware):

GP-150 'S' Connector
GP-151 Horizontal Coil Condenser, Ball Joint with O-ring (or the vertical option below)
GP-151V Vertical Coil Condenser, Ball Joint with O-ring
GP-152 XAD Resin Trap, Ball Joint with O-ring
GP-153 Short Knockout Impinger, Ball Joint with O-ring, Accommodates XAD Trap
GP-154 Ball Stopper (To Seal XAD Trap Socket End)
GP-155 Stocket Stopper (To Seal XAD Trap Ball End)

M23-RC Coolant Recirculating Pump

Recovery Tools (for 0010):

M5-CK7 Cleankit 12" Nylon Probe Brush (does not have to be Teflon)
M5-CK5 Cleankit 18" Probe Brush Extension
M23-CK11 500 ml Teflon Wash Bottles (x3) (Teflon or glass wash bottles are recommended)

For additonal resources, please check out the following links:

Method 0010/23/8270D Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Dioxins and Furans from Stationary Sources

Method 23 Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans from Stationary Sources

Method 0023A Sampling and Analysis Method for PCDD/PCDF Emissions from Stationary Sources

EPA SW-846 Test Method 0010: Modified Method 5 Sampling Train for the Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds
Item # M23 

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Product Image of EPA SW-846 Test Method 0010: Modified Method 5 Sampling Train for the Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds