EPA Method 7: Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources

Product Image of EPA Method 7: Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources

Methods 7, 7A and 7B are variations of the non-isokinetic nitrogen oxide determination method that provide for three different analytical procedures of a grab sample that are collected in an evacuated 2 liter flask containing a dilute solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

Environmental Supply's M7-S1 Method 7 Sampling System consists of a heated Pyrex lined probe assembly, a sample caddy, multiple evacuation flasks, a 3-way Pyrex valve, a hand purge pump, an evacuation pump, a 3-way pump selection valve, and digital manometer pressure sensor. Specifically within M7-S1 are the following component pieces:

Qty.             Part #              Description

1            PRAM-P03-06      Heated 3' Probe Assembly, 3/8" With Cup
2            PRLM-P03-06      Pyrex 3' Liner, 3/8" With Cup
1            GPA-B12-06GL    Pyrex Adapter With #12 Ball Joint and 3/8" Cap
1            M6-SC                 Support Caddy
6            GP-701                3 Way Valve   (5 extra valves)
6            GP-702                Encased Flask (5 extra flasks)
1            #PM:SKNU-14     90° 3/4" Tube Adapter
1            PPM-477-5          Digital Manometer, 0-30 psid
1            M7 Valve              M7 Valve Flow Control Assembly
1            M7 Pump              Method 7 Pump Assembly
1            M5-DC-1              Single Stage Digital Temperature Controller
1            GPA-S12-04GL    #12 Socket Pyrex Adapter With 1/4" Cap
2            GP-611                 #12 Pinch Clamps

Methods 7C and 7D provide for nitrogen oxide determination by drawing a low flow (0.4 - 0.5 liter per minute) sample through a heated, Pyrex-lined probe assembly and an arrangement of three standard size orifice impingers containing an alkaline-potassium permanganate solution and a dryer impinger. Environmental Supply's M7-S2 Sampler includes the probe assembly, a complete glassware set, an insulated impinger box with probe support panel and an outlet impinger adapter with thermocouple. The UNI-VOS-ACD low flow console is the ideal control console to complete the system. 

EPA Method 7: Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources
Item # M7-S1 

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Product Image of EPA Method 7: Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources