Method 603

Acrolein and Acrylonitrile

This method covers the determination of acrolein and acrylonitrile. This is a purge and trap gas chromatographic (GC) method applicable to the determination of acrolein and acrylonitrile in municipal and industrial discharges as provided under 40 CFR Part 136.1. An inert gas is bubbled through a 5 mL water sample contained in a heated purging chamber. Acrolein and acrylonitrile are transferred from the aqueous phase to the vapor phase. The vapor is swept through a sorbent trap where the analytes are trapped. After the purge is completed, the trap is heated and backflushed with the inert gas to desorb the compound onto a gas chromatographic column. The gas chromatograph is temperature programmed to separate the analytes which are then detected with a flame ionization detector. The method provides an optional gas chromatographic column that may be helpful in resolving the compounds of interest from the interferences that may occur.

(EPA: Office of Water)


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Method Data

Hold Times, Preservatives, Preps, Collection, Analytical & Documentation
Holding Time:   All samples must be analyzed within 14 days of collection. Samples for acrolein analysis receiving no pH adjustment must be analyzed within three days of sampling.
Preservatives:   All samples must be iced or refrigerated from the time of collection until analysis. Sodium thiosulfate preservative is added for dechlorination. Acrolein samples must have pH adjusted to 4-5 using acid or base.
Required Preps:   Glass bottle
Collection Method:   Grab sampling
Analytical Methodology:   GC/FID
Documentation:   603

Analyte List*

Analyte Formula CAS Number Detection Limit

* The analytes and detection limits listed for each method represent the typical detection limits and analytes reported for that particular method. Keep in mind that analyte lists may vary from laboratory to laboratory. Detection limits may also vary from lab to lab and are dependent upon the sample size, matrix, and any interferences that may be present in the sample.