Method 9096

Liquid Release Test Procedure

The Liquid Release Test (LRT) is a laboratory test designed to determine whether or not liquids will be released from sorbents when they are subjected to overburden pressures in a landfill.  Any liquid-loaded sorbent that fails the EPA Paint Filter Free Liquids Test (SW-846 Method 9095), may be assumed to release liquids in this test.  A representative sample of the liquid-loaded sorbent, standing 10 cm high in the device, is placed between twin stainless steel screens and two stainless-steel grids, in a device capable of simulating landfill overburden pressures.  An absorptive filter paper is placed on the side of each stainless-steel grid opposite the sample (i.e., the stainless-steel screen separates the sample and the filter paper, while the stainless-steel grid provides a small air gap to prevent wicking of liquid from the sample onto the filter paper).  A compressive force of 50 psi is applied to the top of the sample.  Release of liquid is indicated when a visible wet spot is observed on either filter paper.

When testing sorbents that are loaded with volatile liquids (solvents, etc.), any released liquid migrating to the filter paper may rapidly evaporate.  The filter papers should be examined immediately after the test has been conducted.


(EPA SW-846)


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Method Data

Hold Times, Preservatives, Preps, Collection, Analytical & Documentation
Holding Time:   Samples should be tested as soon as possible after collection, but no more than three days after collection. If necessary, they can be stored in sealed containers and maintained under dark, cool conditions (b/w 35°-72°F). Samples should not be frozen.
Preservatives:   Preservatives should not be added to samples per the method.
Required Preps:   None noted in method.
Collection Method:   Grab Sampling
Analytical Methodology:   Liquid Release Test Device (LRTD)
Documentation:   9096

Analyte List*

Analyte Formula CAS Number Detection Limit

* The analytes and detection limits listed for each method represent the typical detection limits and analytes reported for that particular method. Keep in mind that analyte lists may vary from laboratory to laboratory. Detection limits may also vary from lab to lab and are dependent upon the sample size, matrix, and any interferences that may be present in the sample.